3 Creative Ways to Style Your Turban Hijab for a Chic and Modern Look

We believe that wearing a Hijab doesn’t mean that you are limited in your fashion choices. Rather, by exploring various Hijab styles you will have an additional accessory to dress up or down, and you can transform your simple outfit into a style statement.

We understand the significance of Hijab that the Muslim women bear. This beautiful piece of cloth is wrapped around the head of the Muslim woman.

You can wear a hijab in different ways and it can be adopted for a plethora of occasions and outfit styles. If you are curious to learn about various creative ways to style your Turban hijab for a chic and modern look then you are on the right track.

Here, in this article, we are going to discuss that. So, you can stay till the end of this article to get an in-depth understanding of the best practice of turban style Hijab for a chic and modern look.

3 different types of Turban Hijab styles:

There are multiple ways to wrap up a Turban Hijab, but the main thing is they all look almost the same. Moreover, you must choose the right method depending on the length and material of the scarf.

Here are some possible ways to wear a Turban Hijab:

#1. Let’s twist again:

Turban Hijab

It is an easy and quick way to wrap your Hijab in Turban style. Here are some steps that you should follow:

  • Grab a long Hijab and position it over your head, you must put it slightly off-centre. You should aim to keep one side longer than another, 10 to 15 cm is enough.
  • You need to hold the scarf from both sides right under the ears and you should start to twist them.
  • Keep the twisting beneath your ears so that the top part of the Hijab remains neatly on your head.
  • Then, take both sides at the back and cross them at the edge of your neck. You must be sure that the portion of your head is covering your hair.
  • You should continue to wrap both sides around your head b so that the ends of the Hijab must meet at the side of your head at the front. The longer side must be able to reach the opposite side of your head.
  • Then, tie both sides in an elegant knot. You must tie your Hijab tightly enough so that it stays in its place well.
  • Now, you need to tuck the short ends in the knot, but you must be careful that it should not get a bulky look. If the ends are long enough then you can wrap these ends around the back of your head again and tuck them under the Turban.

#2. African style:

Turban Hijab

 The African-style turban is another popular hijab style that you can try at least once. You can also style it with a pair of nice earrings as in this style, your earlobes will be visible. Here is how to wrap it:

  • Lay the scarf at a length so that both sides are at equal length. Then, wrap it around your head and make sure that it covers your hair entirely.
  • You need to make the two sides cross at the nape of your neck, and also you should wrap them around your neck again. Both sides of the hijab must be draped down your shoulder.
  • Grab one side and wrap it around your head completely, then you need to tuck its end under the back of your turban.
  • You need to follow this step with another side of the turban and wrap it around your head and then tuck it under the turban hijab.
  • If you want to be sure enough that it should stay in its place then you can use pins or hair clips.

#3. Go for a squared scarf:

Turban Hijab

A squared scarf is easier to wrap into a turban scarf because you don’t have long ends that you need to tuck somewhere else. To go forward with a squared scarf you must ensure that the material of the scarf must be thin enough. Because thinner material is easy to handle.

Here are the steps that you need to follow:

  • You need to fold the squared scarf in a triangular shape so that both ends meet with each other. Also, you must be careful that both ends must be equal in length.
  • Grab the folded scarf and put it on the top of your head in such a manner that the pointed end is draping down your forehead.
  • The two sides must be around your neck now. Then, grab both sides and wrap them around your head in such a way that both part cross at your forehead. Then wrap them around your head again.
  • Tie them at the back under your hair bun. You can use hair clips or pins to tuck them under your hair bun.


What type of Turban-style hijab is best for a chic and modern look?

Ans: Full Voile material is the perfect Turban style Hijab fabric that is worn by Muslim women in the UK.

Does the Turban hijab styles give a modern look to the woman?

Ans: Turban hijab styles are now on trend throughout South Asia, Southeast Asia, North Africa, and some other parts of the world.  As modern-day women are looking to add a unique touch to their looks; they are exploring new things all instant. So, Muslim women are not excluded from this fact too. In this present era, the Turban hijab is in fashion as it can be seen worn on different social feeds.


Turban hijabs are fashionable, comfortable, and also meet religious guidelines when Muslim women properly pair them with some right accessories. By tucking a Turban Hijab you will be happier between style and modesty in your unique way of style.

But, there is a stigma that the women who wear Turban style hijabs are not serious about wearing a hijab. However, the Turban hijab style is a symbol of empowerment, religiosity, and the personality of the wearer.