How to improve your fertility at home

If you are an individual who is struggling to get pregnant and your search history is filled with queries like ‘How to increase your chances of getting pregnant?’ then you’re in the right place. Read on for practical ways to improve your fertility at home.

Understanding more about your fertility

Simply put, fertility is a couple’s ability to get pregnant via natural means. The higher your fertility levels, the easier it is to get pregnant. How do you measure fertility?

Only a fertility doctor will be able to accurately measure your fertility, but there are some things you can look out for at home to indicate if you are fertile.

Due to our busy, modern-day lifestyles, stress, and underlying medical conditions, a surprisingly high number of couples find it challenging to get pregnant naturally. Unfortunately, many couples won’t realize they are infertile until they have been trying to get pregnant for some time.

A couple is considered infertile after having unprotected sex for more than 12 months without getting pregnant. Even couples who lead a healthy lifestyle can sometimes have trouble getting pregnant naturally.

What causes infertility? There is no single reason why infertility occurs – it can be the result of multiple influences. Issues such as ovulation disorders, low sperm count, obstructed fallopian tubes, hormone imbalance, and even immune disorders can all contribute to infertility without us ever realizing it.

The good news is that an infertility diagnosis doesn’t mean that all hope is lost and many go on to conceive with the help of a fertility clinic.

How can I track my fertility?

Is there a way to track your fertility levels? Thankfully, the answer is yes. Let’s take a look at some common methods for assessing your fertility below:

  • Period tracking apps: Having a regular cycle is key to fertility as ovulation is required for the egg to meet the sperm. Period-tracking smartphone applications can help you record your menstrual cycles, learn about your ovulation window, and predict menstruation days to help with conception. Variations or delays in your menstrual cycle may indicate a problem that needs addressing.
  • Cervical mucus observations: Paying attention to variations in the texture and consistency of cervical mucus can help you understand your reproductive health. When you are ovulating, cervical mucus takes on a texture similar to egg whites.
  • Sperm count kits: At-home sperm count kits may be used to give you and your partner an initial idea of sperm quantity and quality, providing insights into male fertility.

How to improve your fertility at home: Top tips

Consume a well-balanced diet: Studies have found that choosing a diet high in nutrients such as folate, zinc, protein, and antioxidants can result in improved fertility, especially for men. These nutrients can be found in foods like beans, sprouts, fresh fruits, and whole grains. Additionally, cutting back on smoking and alcohol can also help improve sperm and egg quality.

Regular exercise: Regular physical exercise not only helps to maintain a healthy weight but also reduces stress and keeps you active, promoting fertility both in men and women. Try finding time each day for a small amount of moderate-intensity exercise as it can increase your chances of getting pregnant by 15%, according to studies.

Cycle monitoring: As mentioned above, keeping track of your menstrual cycle can help you determine the optimal time to conceive by highlighting your ovulation window. During this time, your body is at its most fertile point in the menstrual cycle, and planning sex accordingly can help you improve your chances of getting pregnant.

Quality sleep: Getting good quality sleep can help your body repair itself from life’s daily stresses and also help support your body’s reproductive system to function optimally. Try creating a bedtime routine that includes good sleep hygiene and avoiding screens up to one hour before sleeping for optimal results. 

Reduce stress where possible: We all know it’s difficult to manage stress, but utilizing just a few stress-reduction strategies such as yoga or meditation can help your body be in the best possible place for supporting a pregnancy. Although stress hasn’t been shown to directly impact stress, it can have an impact on your hormone production, which in turn can affect your reproductive system.

While all these techniques can help you improve your fertility in the comfort of your home, sometimes, the cause of infertility requires medical intervention. Visiting an IVF clinic and consulting a fertility specialist can help you address these issues effectively.

Your fertility doctor may then suggest fertility tests such as aqua scans, Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) tests (used to check ovarian reserve,) and male sperm assessments to better understand you and your partner’s case history and provide relevant treatments. 

Small changes have a big impact 

It is important to note that even minor changes in your lifestyle and habits can lead to notable improvements in your fertility journey. All of the above tips can help you improve your fertility, but for personalized guidance, it is recommended to consult a fertility specialist.